
Comment history with falsetigerlimbs


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 comments

yeah lol, you see to me if i made a code i wouldnt mind other people using it because the images and design work in the layout are the important thing to me but i guess thats cause im not into web design much, i can understand that if people liked web design they'd be protective over their codes and stuff..

your layouts are really good as well by the way, keep up the good work!

Posted by BenW90 on Aug 15, 07 9:13 pm

you know what though? i find it hard to believe that everyone is able to code their own stuff all by themselves, right away.
when i first started making layouts, before I uploaded to createblog, I just took other people's code and edited it to my liking. But doing that helped me to understand how the code work, and so now, I am able to code things myself (although I still use a lot of premade codes from here to hide things)

I have caught many people uploading layouts here who have ripped off my code, and I normally just ask for credit for the code, but a lot of other designers here will want to kill people for it, lol.

Posted by falsetigerlimbs on Aug 15, 07 9:06 pm

thanks for letting me know.. Decided to take it down.. working on making my own code using the tutorials in the forums. Never been good with coding though just images lol.

guess ill just have to stick at it.

Posted by BenW90 on Aug 15, 07 8:58 pm

people here get burned at the stake for stealing other people's code. it's like a hugeeee deal to people.
if you didn't know, it's not as bad, but yeah, be careful about that. people get PISSED.

Posted by falsetigerlimbs on Aug 15, 07 7:33 pm